Saturday, 22 June 2013

~The Vintage Hobby House ....Video!!!

This lovely little video was made as a surprise from my very thoughtful son.I love it!!!! thank you so much xx
Hope you like what he has done :))

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Summer days part 2

These little beauty's appeared in the middle of the night on Saltburn pier,some one's been busy again this is the 2nd year running they have appeared last year the theme was the Olympics this year it is
the Seaside.

...Summer fun ..Days out with the family


Tuesday, 12 March 2013

~ Vintage Fair......I'm Back ~

  Just thought I would let all you lovely Northern crafty girls all about this fab fair,can't wait to visit . I'm sure I will come back laden with gifts and loveliness.It's great to be back posting ,lots and lots has happened since September,Ive finally moved house and now can breathe phew!! ,moving house has to be one of the most stress full things ever ,but I will tell you all about that next time Bye for now XX Manda XX  Here we go - From Yorkshire With Love - 14th April! Who's coming :)

Saturday, 15 September 2012

~ A duck type of day ~

I am lucky enough to walk past a lovely duckpond everyday on our school run,I can't begin to tell you how much bread we've fed them over the years.

I realised when I was sat watching them,there's some little character's there 
I took some photo's of a rather bossy duck ,he was so funny chasing all of his fellow ducks away,I just had to share.

                                                XX Manda XX 

Monday, 10 September 2012

~ Cath Kidston Patchwork Cushion ~

Great to be back sewing Ive really missed it, I made this cushion all by hand,just as I was about to start zapping up this little number on my sewing machine,I zapped a little too quick over a pin and yes you guessed it my machine broke,so it's in the repair shop at the moment,deciding not to wait I got stuck into hand sewing all the squares,actually it was really relaxing sitting with the family whilst sewing,instead of being in the kitchen alone ( good old kitchen table)
I used a mix of mainly Cath Kidston fabric on the patchwork squares and a lovely red ticking stripe for the back of the cushion,I'm quite happy with the results ,so Ive got some more lovely fabric for another cushion,I can't just make one can I ??
.            .........XX Manda XX.............

Friday, 31 August 2012

~ Yard bombing ~

Earlier in the summer I visited Saltburn and I came across some more yard bombing from the fabulous ,elusive knitter's, ....Isn't there work  great ,so much detail. 
 Whilst in Saltburn,we decided to have a little drive down to Whitby,which is a little further down the coast,I'm so glad I did,I saw the most gorgeous rainbow,we just drove into Whitby and caught the end of a very heavy storm,look at the fabulous results,well worth getting wet. 


Sunday, 26 August 2012

~ Summertime ~

Wow!! It's been such a long time since I wrote a post,where do I begin??
Well here goes:
At the beginning of the summer, I needed to take some time away from  blogging because my oldest daughter was poorly,I don't really want to go into thing's too deeply but everything is fine now,sometimes life just throws these things at you and there's not a lot you can do about it.
This is one summer I won't be forgetting and not for all the good thing's that have happened ....
The Jubilee,Olympics (so fab & proud to be British)........ but for the very sudden and untimely death of a very close and dear friend.
I am sorry that my first post for months,is sad but after such a loss you must understand that I need to write truthfully.
I know that It's escapism to come to blogland and read all the loveliness of life..... but I have really learnt the hard way how to truly find joy and happiness in little things and to once in my life really really appreciate what I have....I have had to evaluate thing's these last months,and I am determined to change a lot of things,but you will have to wait and see.
 My crafting and making plans have been on hold ,so I can't wait to start creating again soon.
Thanks for coming back to my blog,I have made some lovely friends here in blogland,and it feels good to be back,so a big thank you for your comments ,I do appreciate them Xx

Anyway with four children and a busy house there is no time for hiding under a duvet,with complete honesty I did feel like doing that ....But didn't!! here are some thing's weve  been up to.....We had a gorgeous week up on the west coast of scotland,a place called Clachtoll an absolute beautiful place in the Highlands,with the most fabulous beach a total haven.
                                            XX Manda XX 

Thursday, 17 May 2012

~ I'm still here ~

I'm still here!!!! ,just a quick post ,to let you know I haven't had time to blog at the moment due to oldest lovely daughter being quite poorly .
The one thing I've learnt the last few weeks,is that health really is the most important possession you can have
Take care lovely friends

My gorgeous girl x

                                                     XX Manda XX

Wednesday, 2 May 2012


I thought I would show you my homemade willow wreath,made with willow branches from my garden.
I watched a programme on the t.v last year,although I can't remember which one ( terrible memory )how to make wreaths ,welll as soon as they said willow ,I set about cutting some branches straight away.
Basically this is what I did;
 I used some wire to make the shape that I wanted,which I thought a not so large circle for my first attempt,  would be good.
So I made a circle with the wire, I USED A DINNER PLATE AS A TEMPLATE.
Made sure that the willow branches were around the same width, and then stripped of a thin layer of bark from the branches apparently the lady on the telly said this made the branches more pliable.
The next stage was just inter twining the willow in and out of the wire shape, and securing the twigs with more wire,and to keep doing this till your happy  voila !!!
Seeing as this was the first one I made,I didn't make it too big or wide but I'm so pleased how it turned out ,I cant wait to make the next one ....

What I forgot to mention the crafty lady on the telly did say that after leaving the wreath somewhere warm and dry for a few months,that you could cut off your wire frame and it should keep it's shape,this step was a worry but luckily she was right ONE LOVELY WILLOW WREATH ...keep it plain, or I chose to sew some linen hearts on to mine,what do you THINK ??
                                                                  XX  Manda XX

~This so applies to me ~

~This so applies to me ~

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