Thursday, 1 March 2012

~ Weekend Whitby ~

A rare photo of Mr Hobby House,CAMERA SHY !! 

Don't you just love shopping ??

A lovely shop called Alfie loves Ava
beautiful children's wear,stockists of joules and poppy wear and pretty
party wear :cupcake wrappers,cake stands bunting to name but a few ,just a shop full of gorgeousness!!

Can't begin to tell you how lovely this shop smells ,they sell every spice under the sun
,and not forgetting my favourite Lindersfarn Mead ...hic

This shop is called Honeyze and they sell beautiful handmade soaps ,bath bombs etc
they smell out of this world !!

And you can't be by the seaside without rock !!
I was lucky enough to visit one of my favourite places at the weekend ,and do a spot of shopping  in all my favourite spots and shops........WHITBY NORTH YORKSHIRE, I never get bored of the place and to tell you the truth as long as the kids get an ice cream they're happy too.


Shortbread and Ginger said...

Its ages since I've been to Whitby! Looks like you had a wonderful day. The shops look great too.
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

magie said...

It looks like a fun weekend and a great place to visit. The shops look great and who can resist having an ice cream (or a stick of rock candy).
If I am ever around that area, I will have to pay it a visit :)

jill said...

Oh you was not far from me,My favourite shop the shepherds purse the smell is heaven isnt it Oh I can smell it now,have you being into the cafe at the back ? its lovely you will like it.You picked a lovely day to visit,the sun is shineing here again today and the birds are singing sign that spring is on its way.Love Jill xxx

Used-to-Bees said...

Lovely photos! My daughter would love to visit the seaside more often, especially with whippy ice-cream and rock on offer!

Emma, Sweet Williams said...

Looks fabulous xx

Polly Dolly said...

Love it, Whitby is one of my fave places ever. When we visit home we always try to pop there for a few hours. I am so jealous. It is so unique xx

patchworkandlace said...

Lovely post ,i love whitby and hope to go a few times over the year ,i love the sea and could spend hours walking along the beach in all weathers ,thankyou for reminding me how lovely whitby is xx

Unknown said...

I LOVE Whitby and it looks like there are some new shops opened since I last went.
I love the Sheperds Purse it does smell so lovely!

Chronicles of Dolliedaydream said...

Fabulous! Whitby is on my list of places I'd love to visit this year.

My friend had her hen night/weekend there last summer and I missed out as we were still in France.

Looks like you had a great day :-)

Anonymous said...

Love Whitby, It must be five years since i visited but you have me wanting to take another tri :)

No(dot dot)el said...

Beautiful Pics, beautiful family.

Natalia Glazacheva said...

Hi, Manda! What a lovely pictures! Your kids are beautiful! And I enjoyed seeing your favorite shops ( if I only could visit them too :O) and lovely places. Thanks a lot for sharing :O)
Have a great week
lot of love

~This so applies to me ~

~This so applies to me ~

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