Sunday, 18 March 2012

~Sharing the day ~

What a lovely day It's been today.

Beautiful homemade cards ,will treasure these!!

These didn't last long

I have shared mother's day with my little girl who's 8 today
It's been a very busy day, lovely visits from family,lots of cards ,presents,fun and laughter
I  feel like one lucky mamma
Happy Mother's Day XX


salty pebble said...

happy birthday and mothers day wishes to you and your sweet 8 year old x
looks like a lovely day was had, lovely cards xx

Unknown said...

Thanks for your lovely comment,I've had a lovely day,still can.t believe she's 8 .....It goes to fast xx Manda xx

Chronicles of Dolliedaydream said...

Wow 8! Hope you have both had the BEST day - I LOVE your cards!

It was my first mama's day with baby Luca so we've had a nice weekend - glad you have too x-x

magie said...

A Happy 8th Birthday to your daughter! It sounds like a lovely Mothers day as well. What sweet cards, I just adore the drawings :)
Have a nice day today :)

Rubie Magpie said...

Hi Amanda, I hope you don't mind me dropping you a line but I have been reading your blog and find it very inspiring. I have nominated your blog for a Liebster Blog Award over on my blog. Looking forward to your next post. x

Paula said...

Hi sweet Manda! It is lovely to meet you! Thank you so very much for visiting me and for your sweet comment! Your blog is gorgeous and I am excited about following you! I am so glad you had a Happy Mother's Day and your sweet little girl had a good birthday! The handmade cards are beautiful! Your little girl is quite the artist! All your gifts are just lovely sweetie! I am so happy for you!

I loved your paintings! They are gorgeous and so cheerful! You did a beautiful job, very creative!

Much love, Paula xo

Natalia Glazacheva said...

Your cards are real treasure! You`re very lucky Mom, Manda :o)
Kisses to your kids

~This so applies to me ~

~This so applies to me ~

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