Saturday, 10 March 2012

~ Painting Love ~

I haven't painted or drawn for such a long while,......but today I changed that.
It always seems to relax me,I think you kinda get lost in what your doing.
I did a little bit of mixed media creating ,I haven't totally finished her yet ,but I thought I'd show you anyway.

I intend to do a bit of machine sewing, to add a little bit more interest, and then she should be finished.
Ive just finished decorating my daughter's bedroom,so Lady Love will be joining them in there lovely new room,  I might even make her some  friends ??? 
Hope you're all having a creative weekend


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Manda, this is gorgeous, your work with fabric is so beautiful and inspiring, i keep meaning to use it more myself but its a bit out of the box for me so i need to sit down and rethink it. thanks for the inspiration my new friend x

~This so applies to me ~

~This so applies to me ~

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