This little shop is situated at Gillygate in York,It's a treasure trove of beautiful handmade items.

Well what a really lovely day we had yesterday,we visited York as usual it was really busy lots of American and Japanese Tourists milling about taking photos and been told by the tourist guides all about the history as they are passed ancient buildings.A particular couple of Japanese tourists got more than they bargained for as my lovely Fat face dress blow up in front of them and flashed my lovely marks and Spencer knickers oh my goodness how embarrassing ,I quickly looked around and pheww!!! no one else had noticed ha ha so funny .I told my hubby he just laughed.We visited Clifford's Tower the kids loved it ,my fear of heights wasn't so enthusiastic,but I ignored the niggling fear and climbed the spiral staircase to see the view's from the top,it was worth it ,on the green in front of the law courts was a lovely old fashioned fair,complete with a carousel,of course the kids had to ride the brightly coloured horses,they had a load of fun in fact we all had a great day
York's my favourite place and I never tire of visiting. Looks like you all enjoyed yourselves, Lucey x
PS Is that lovely shop "look what mums made" in York I looked on the internet but couldn't find it. Maybe it's just opened??
Hi lucey,York is my favourite place to shop too ,the lovely shop look what mums made is in Gillygate,they are currently updating there website but they have a facebook page too,hope this is helpful x
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